Sleep Apnea
Your Mishawaka Dentist Can Help With Mild to Moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Snoring, waking up gasping for air, continually feeling like you haven’t had enough sleep…these can all point to sleep apnea. And your dentist might be able to help. Dr. George A. Mighion can help mild to moderate OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) sufferers through a custom-designed oral appliance that can be used as an alternative to a CPAP machine (continuous positive airway pressure).
If you have been told that you snore, it’s not just affecting your bed partner. It could be slowly taking a toll on your health. Your body will feel the effects (if it doesn’t already) of not getting enough restorative sleep. Taking action is essential.
About Sleep Apnea
Snoring often happens when your airway is partly obstructed while your body is horizontal. The airway obstruction will cause your body to wake, though not fully, repeatedly throughout the night. It can happen dozens of time per hour and it could be robbing you of the restorative sleep you need. The impact of lack of sleep is cumulative and could put you at risk for a variety of health problems, even premature death due to increased risk of heart disease and stroke. In the meantime, it can leave you feeling sluggish, affect moods, appetite, libido, and it could make operating heavy equipment, particularly first thing in the morning (your car, equipment at work) as dangerous as if you were impaired with alcohol.
A variety of things can cause sleep apnea including the jaw or tongue position as well as the shape of your airway. If you snore or wake up exhausted after what should be a full night of rest, it’s time to talk to Dr. Mighion about sleep apnea screening and potential options.